weeding out pride

Sometimes you just need to let go of that pride.
Sometimes I just need to let go of my pride.

And graciously accept help.

Because, honestly, I can't do it all.

I can do my best.
But, sometimes I just need a friend.
A helping hand.

And I don't need to look like I got it all together. Figured out.


Because that is perfectionism.

Trying to keep everything look perfect is exhausting. Not real.
It's about self.
Me me me me.

I needed to weed it out. Let it go.

So yesterday, when my sweet and dear neighbor came to let me use her amazing vacuum she started to help me clean.  And my house was in need of some good loving cleaning. I could feel that pride -- the part that wanted it all together -- battling. I want to be the one who has all her charts, an organized house, an amazing meal plan, and more. But, I don't -- I do my best -- I work really hard -- but sometimes one gets behind. So I had to let it go. That earthly pride.  My neighbor is my friend. A real, stick with you in any time, friend.

She cleaned my floor, and the awfully dirty track to my sliding door, and some cabinets, and chairs, and my table and more. Graciously. Cheerfully.

I am grateful.  Because, you see, in this season of my life I've gotten just a tad bit overwhelmed with the spring cleaning. When Samuel was sick it set me behind weeks which shifted to months. That list of supposed to be spring cleaning was starting to get shoved to summer cleaning.

Until yesterday.

I swallowed any pride and replaced it with gratefulness. She is my friend. A blessing.

Being authentic and real means accepting help. Needing others. Doing life together.

And that's what happened.

We both cleaned. Side by side. Sharing time. Working.

I am so thankful.

Thankful for the fellowship and time.

{thank you, Maria, thank you}

And thankful for that perfectly cleaned patio door which is ready for spring....