vacation diary

This morning, while writing my miscellany monday, I am sitting on a deck overlooking the ocean. As I sit here and write I thought it only appropriate to share with you just a bit of my tale on how I got here and some little observations that I've made on the way. Until I get home, all the pictures will be glorious straight out of the cell phone pics. :)

1) I got 1.5 hours of sleep on Saturday night/Sunday morning. As the day wore on I found myself getting more and more and more tired. Thankfully, there was coffee and some coca-cola (in a glass that I found along the way.

(taken at 5:35 am)

2) One of my favorite parts of the flight from Minneapolis to Atlanta was the inflight monitor on the seat in front of me. Did I choose a movie? Or a game? Nope. I was one totally content -- and totally happy -- person to watch the map that showed my plane on it's route to the south.

(see those fab monitors?)

3) Atlanta's airport is huge. With really fast underground (and a bit scary) trains to get from concourse to concourse. And has a long long long long wait in line for your plane to actually get to take-off. Oh, the nerves!

(backing up)

4) The descent into Charleston was interesting. I think that the pilot was performing tricks with the plane as he banked and dropped and banked some more. It didn't help that it was a little plane, or that the kids in front of us were gasping and shrieking a bit, or that we had to go through a huge thing of clouds (nothing like no perspective) and that well, I think the pilot might have been having a bit of fun. I wanted to ask him about his flight acrobatics when we left the plane as he stood there thanking everyone and grinning.

5) While we were walking through the Charleston airport this man started walking with us. He started off asking if it was a girls week. We politely told him it was, and then he asked us if we were from the midwest. When we told him yes he told us we looked like we were from there. Okay. Okay. Okay. Do Midwesterners have a "look" and if we do, what in the world is it? :)

6) Carissa, this is for you.

( I am here.)

7) South Carolina has trees with stuff hanging from them. I love them. What are these glorious trees and why can't they grow in Minnesota? Along with the extremely tall trees that I saw along the road during the drive from Charleston to Hilton Head. Beautiful.

8) When we go up to the lake in Minnesota I worried about getting bit by a little Perch or Sunfish in the swimming area. When I swim in the ocean -- which is very warm -- I am told that there are sharks potentially enjoying the water with me. I still swam. And jumped the waves. And laughed like I was eight again.

9) Going back to number five about us midwesterners -- every time I open my mouth to speak I know people look over and me. I would just like to step into that beautiful Southern way of speaking that I hear all around me. Instead I'm hanging on to my ooooo's and probably sounding like I'm from that movie Fargo. Oh well. At least I must look the part.

10) And finally, I've decided that packing my straightener might have been an unnecessary step. It does not seem possible for this girl with curly hair potential to keep my hair straight. So now I have big hair -- that can't decide if it wants to be curly or straight so it must be opting for just frizz. Ha ha ha.

More to come throughout the week. And some reflections as well. It's amazing how sitting at the edge of the ocean can clarify one's thoughts.

Make sure to visit my friend, Carissa's blog. Who, by the way, I'm hoping to visit with this Saturday. :)

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters