
Lately I've been pondering the messages that the world gives us regarding happiness.  At least in our society.  Happiness?  Linked to things.  Stuff.  Accumulation of goods.  The phrase, "...if I only I'd be happy."

Contrast these: 

Happiness waits at the Stuff-Mart!
: All you need is lots ... more ... stuff!
You really, really ought to!
How could I afford not to?
: Happiness waits at the Stuff-Mart!
All you need is lots ... more ... stuff.
 (from Veggie Tale's Madame Blueberry.)


Indeed I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.  For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as RUBBISH, in order that I may gain Christ.  Philippians 3:8

So often the answer is not in things, it is in truth and belief.  When we begin to believe that the stuff of this world would make us happy and content then we start to crowd out the truth.  What truth?  The truth that what Target or Best Buy or Oprah or friends or Macy's or insert your own...says will make you happy is truly a hollow lie.  The things, the rubbish, of this world will one day dissolve into dust.  They'll be left, as we go forward.  What matters?  Relationships.  Our words.  Our connections.  Our desire to live and be vessels for Christ.

Here's a personal example: as a homeschooler I tend to find myself fall into the trap of thinking that a new or different curriculum will solve all of our learning needs and problems.  I begin to plan and dream about that new book...the potential.  And I quickly become dissatisfied with what I have been blessed with.  And from that grumbling comes an attitude of defeat within our home.  My patience dwindles.  The love of learning seems loss...only to be reclaimed with the perfect, and new, curriculum.  And, as many of you know, even once and if that new curriculum comes it doesn't solve the deeper heart issue.  Maybe for a bit there's some new life in our homeschool day, but sooner or later, the nagging feeling of "what if's?" start to creep back in.  And with it?  Discontent.  And straying from the focus, the point, and the truth.

The truth is that I don't need that curriculum.  Really.  I want it, but I don't need it.  What really matters is me. My attitude, my commitment, and my connection with the Father.  When I'm rightly-ordered with Him, then my home is rightly-ordered.  When things of this world shift into the lens then He is pushed to the side.  And then things and discontent sneak back in.  

We live in an abundant society.  There are big-box retailers bursting with goods.  Homeschool conventions with rows and rows of "perfect" products.  Food choices by the dozens.  Hundreds of blends of even coffee. Clutter.  Cluttering out the truth of who we need, what we need, and thus causing us to equate happiness with new  stuff.

Truth?  Our Lord is OLD. He's been here FOREVER.  And He'll be here FOREVER more.  All that stuff?  gone.  But Him? ETERNAL.

So where is your heart today?  For me, it's a daily struggle to keep the Lord in the forefront. It's work.  A commitment.  He's number one. Start your day with Him, live your day for Him, and end your day with Him.  Then all the things will slowly lose their pull, and true happiness, true contentment will begin to regain it's ground.  And that comes from HIM.