through the lens

Do you ever get to the end of your day and think that you've accomplished nothing? Have you had those days where you run around and around and end up exhausted...and deflated? Homeschooling can be exhausting. And, if you're not careful, it can be easy to believe that your wheels are just spinning.

January has been interesting. My eldest daughter, Hannah, has been keeping a photography blog called 2010 in 2010. She's using the blog to document the year with 2010 pictures. It's fascinating and fun watching her gather pictures. It's also been a blessing.

How so? Through her images I'm beginning to rediscover the beauty of every day. Of living. Of homeschooling. She captures moments that I would have forgotten. Memories of times doing life now frozen still in time.

In these images I'm beginning to rediscover that we do accomplish tasks, projects, and fun times in our homeschool journey. I've re-learned that baking bread is noble...and learning. I've rejoiced over the silliness that is caught through her lens. Or the freezing temps.

Our Lord is such a neat God. I love how He speaks to us in the day to day moments of life. So often we can miss His voice, just as I missed the learning that was going on in my home. It's so easy to get caught up in the fast-track busy lifestyle that our eyes are blinded to His constant presence. But, He's there. He's woven in every breath of our day. In Psalms it states, " But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season." (Psalm 1:2-3). How are we reminded of the beauty of our Lord? Being in His WORD. Day and Night. Not when we feel like it, but daily. Just like Hannah's photos capture the beauty of our day to day life, the Lord's Word, which is exponentially superior, captures HIS beauty in our lives. He's the one to guide our steps.

Think about easy is it to allow our focus to shift off of Him and onto self? Or the world? And then what is the message that they preach to us? More. You're not good enough. You need this. You're a failure. You'll never measure up. Just do it. Greed. Lust. Pride. Anger. Hopelessness. Are these the messages that we need to hear? Or base our life on? Absolutely not. But these lies are so vicious, so interwoven into our culture that it's critical that we are aware of them. And in being aware, not allowing them to take root, but filling our minds with the truth. The truth found in Him, in Jesus, in His Word.

So take time to open His book. Read some truth. The true TRUTH.

Oh, and if you'd like, check out Hannah's photography blog, 2010 in 2010.