The Lord gives...

...and takes away.

Today is my Chloe's 12th birthday. She is a delight, a blessing, and a joy to have in our family. And a true gift. Twelve years and one week ago, my grandmother died. Grandma was a tender woman, full of laughter and kindness. She battled Alzheimers for six months. It was heart-wrenching to watch her earthly mind slip away. And a little over twelve years ago she entered the throne room of the Lord with a new mind, a new body.

Our family, while rejoicing for Grandma's entrance into heaven, mourned our earthly loss. It was the first grandparent to die...a new chapter in my parents lives. And I was pregnant with Chloe. We didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl. I remember sitting in the chapel of my grandparents church singing "Abide with Me" thinking that if we were blessed with a girl that I wanted to name her after my grandma. And we did. Chloe's middle name? Laurella. After grandma, who died one week before Chloe graced this earth.

In the midst of sorrow, the Lord gave. In fact, the Lord blessed. To have Chloe named after Grandma meant a great deal to my dad... her son. Her name blessed me. The life found in a new baby helped soothe the aches of loss. Chloe's little body represented hope and joy.

The above picture is of my Grandpa holding newborn Chloe. I love the joy in his face as he holds his granddaughter...the very one who bears his wife's name. His smile was such a gift for me to see...such a blessing in the midst of a trying week.

The neatest part of this story is that my dear Chloe reminds everyone of my grandmother. They look a bit alike. They both love to cook. And they both have a zest for nature and a heart for family. God is good! I tell Chloe about her grandmother. And those times when I miss my Grandma many times I look at my Chloe, my gift.

Someday they will meet face to face in heaven. What an amazing reunion that will be! Can you imagine? It gives me chills to think of the two of them meeting, hugging, and laughing together. What a God we serve. He is a God of hope, a God of forever. This life is NOT forever, it is not finite. Life with the Father is FOREVER...INFINITE. That joy stirs hope and life in my heart! Alleluia to the King!

One last tidbit about Chloe....for those of who you know her this probably won't be that much of a surprise...she was born at 11:59pm. I just laugh when I think about her arrival. Almost late, but always on time. She's a mover, and when she sets her mind to something she'll get it done always on time. But, it's on her deciding to arrive at the last possible moment of the day. Her day, her birthday.

Happy Birthday Chloe Laurella! I love you.