the crazy pre-vacation {friday} favorites

I'm grateful this week.
Here's why: 

friday favorite things | finding joy

this cute {and very messy} face

{love it}

because tomorrow we leave for our annual vacation to the lake

{that's our cabin in the background}

I've gone up there since I was eight
{which would be just a few years ago...ha ha ha...not}
I'm grateful for the importance of family that my parents instilled into us

Our vacation?
It's about family.
And being grateful.

And rest.

{i love northern minnesota}

My neighbor, my friend, Maria, blesses me.
We chat in the yard late at night till the mosquitoes eat us alive.
We'll pull weeds and laugh and share stories.

Her daughter, Belle, is my daughter Gracie's best friend. Ever. 

It's good for my soul.

Before we moved here I prayed for good neighbors. 
Little did I know that I would be blessed with more than great neighbors
I also got an amazing and dear friend.

I'm thankful for a working air conditioner
in the midst of 106 degree heat index warnings

and iced coffees

and speaking of iced coffees 
I finally saw my blogher and gatorade ad
on the pioneerwoman's blog 
right below the iced coffee recipe. :)

{and yes, sigh, my name is spelled wrong. no one ever seems to spell rachel right.}

I'm blessed by friends to talk with
and cell phone charges for the car

and twitter on my phone
{I've learned to love twitter -- so easy and fun you can find me @finding_joy !}

late night ice cream bowls shared with my daughters

and new profile pictures {finally} taken by my oldest daughter when the light is "just" right

{that would be me}

and, of course, silly pictures taken during that same shoot

sprinklers that work
{really, this is a blessing as 3 of mine broke today}

and catching fireflies late at night
then waking up a sleepy Brennan to show him the firefly in the glass jar

sitting on the boat, trolling through this channel, and fishing
{yes, I love to fish and yes, I'll put on the worms}

prayers for health for Elijah
{thank you}

and a truck to drive tomorrow

that all the dvds are produced and edited and finished with pictures for
the North Ballet Spring Performance

{please ignore my I spent the last ten hours working on these hair}

and really, honestly, a blog to write
It's a blessing.
It really is.

Any favorites from this week? Or plans for the 4th of July? 

If you'd like to link your own {friday} favorite grab the button at the top of your post, write away {or choose one of your favorite posts or pictures of the week} and then enter your link. Be sure to try to comment on those around you. Comments are always a fave!

Blessings to you ~ rachel {not spelled with an ea}