red blue red blue red....real life learning.

Yesterday, Elijah and I decided to play cars. We carefully lined them up -- creating a perfect traffic jam -- and then destroyed it only to start again.

Then Elijah decided we needed to park all the cars.

As we began to create our rows we also created patterns. Well, actually, I started the pattern theme, but quickly Elijah caught on -- and loved it.

Red car, blue car, find another blue car, then a red.

How about gold yellow, momma?

Green car, silver car, find a green.

We laughed and explored and ended up parking all the cars.

And Elijah learned about patterns.

Sure, I could have pulled out a book and explained it to him. That would have worked, and honestly, some day we'll do that. But, today, he learned through life -- organically -- and loved it. His little body would race around the room searching for the next color car he needed.

It was fun. For both of us.

Sometimes we think we need the next educational toy, or manipulative, or workbook when we have what we need in the toy box {yes, the cars were still sorted} upstairs. Play, play, play with them. Let them lead. And sometimes you can add a bit of learning to the fun.

When he went to bed the cars were still out in the perfect lines.

Play cars to-morrow, momma? Again?

I think I might.