soccer on thursday

This ballet mom is venturing into a new world.


And, I'm loving it. Brennan enjoyed summer soccer and is already begging to play again in the fall. I'll see him in the backyard practicing over and over and over.

Does it take our time? Absolutely. But, I'm willing to dedicate time so that Brennan can enjoy what he loves. It's tricky because it's a balance -- family time and sports and ballet -- but in the end I'm always grateful for giving of the time. I see the results. More confidence, increased athleticism, and seriously? joy.

There will come a day when I'm not nearly as busy and I know I'll miss these days of finding cleats and soccer balls and putting the laundry in and pulling hair into buns. Instead of fighting the movement I have to sit and embrace it and not allow to be defined as busy. It's just life. And we're blessed to partake in so many wonderful opportunities.

Having children is a blessing. One that I'm determined to embrace. And for Brennan -- and soon to be Caleb -- it meant sitting on a camping chair with my hand on the bug spray and my eyes on him. Proud.

Okay, moms -- tell me how you managed your time between kids activities. I'm determined to be positive and grateful for these opportunities while, at the same time, maintaining balance. How do you/did you/or plan to do it? I'd love to know.

A disclaimer about soccer: I've actually been around soccer a great deal -- my little sister went to college on a full soccer scholarship so I have memories of going to her games and bringing little Hannah and Chloe to games-- but, it's a new world for this household to have one of my own fully jump into the sport.