thank you and an update

First,  thank you -- thank you -- thank you, for your prayers for Samuel.

Todd ended up taking him to urgent care tonight and we found out that he has strep. I am so relieved that it is just strep and that Todd can manage it. Todd said one of the scariest moments was when the urgent care doctor asked him if he thought that Samuel's situation was related at all to Celiac Disease. If it was any bit possible that it was due to Celiac Disease, then Samuel was to go immediately  to the emergency room.  It's strange to have a little one whose medical history makes doctors so incredibly high on alert.

Todd's got his antibiotics, he's given him a dose (and some yogurt), and now he's resting. I miss that little man so much. So so so much.

Anyways, I am grateful for your prayers. And I want to thank you for responding in the way you did and for letting me use my blog to ask for your prayers. Thank you deeply.

Blessings to you all.
