in our home....

...we have hailstones saved in the freezer {that storm produced a tornado 1/2 mile from us}.

...we take pictures of the smaller hailstones {they got much larger...and louder}.

...we call the garbage the gargabe, thanks to a three year old who mixed up the pronunciation.

...we love the movie "The Prince of Egypt" -- worth renting.

...we grill most days in the summer.
    {that's my old grill -- my new grill is above -- which is now dented by that hail}

...we drive to ballet five days a week.

...we break out into spontaneous song. Often. Like right now.
   {right now it's a song from Tangled}

...we love to laugh.

...we seem to always owe the library.

...we read. Lots. Which is why we owe the library.

...we garden. Well, I garden, and the kids help, and we all reap the rewards.

...we write our menu on our chalkboard.

...we love science, but don't do all the experiments, only the fun ones.

...we homeschool. For ten years now. And I'd call us relaxed homeschoolers.

...we have hope, even in hard times

...we forget that our family is considered "large" -- to us it just feels normal.

...we take the long way home. Intentionally.

...we explore new things -- like old railroad tracks, parks, and roads.

...we don't ever ever ever ever ever seem to be caught up on laundry. Tips?

...we love thunderstorms.

...we live boldly.

How about in your home?