doing nothing days

I''m writing this late on Saturday sitting in my yard. Actually, I'm resting in the grass. Almost four year old Elijah thinks it's funny that I'm on my back looking at the sky. That grass? It's lush and green and glorious. Totally summer.

Summer in Minnesota is this brief window of time -- maybe six weeks of wonderful heat at the most before the winds shift and the leaves turn their beautiful and brilliant shades of crimson and gold. We've learned, through the years, to embrace these days. And sometimes, just sometimes, you need to have a day where you do almost nothing. It's a swing on a swing and dream about life type of day.

Yeah, I started a load of laundry. And took the girls to volunteer at a local festival for church. But, really, there was nothing on the agenda. In fact, as dinner rolled around, my tweet was this -- is it okay to get ice cream for dinner? Which we didn't have, but instead enjoyed some gluten free pancakes. An easy, no work, and totally favorite meal. Freedom.

I know that the weeks to come will be full of schedules. Ballet. School. Soccer. The fall routine. And possibly surgery on my shoulder. Maybe that's why I just needed to do almost nothing. It really was a do nothing day.

I couldn't do this everyday. I like busy. But, sometimes I just let that crazy frantic part of me rest.

Off to get icecream for dessert.

I'm thinking a root beer float would be a perfect ending to that pancake dinner.

what's your favorite thing to do on a do nothing day?
and, no, I didn't get my root beer float -- but, i did have mint chip ice cream. Delicious.