What's that mess?
Brennan was up to his typical creative ventures today. The weather is warm, the sun is out, and the messes have begun. Dirty jeans. Mud-caked hands. Stained elbows. But are they really messes? Have my own ideas of neatness and order overtaken creativity? To me, I see a deck board with spilled bubbles, sand from the sand box, and rocks littered everywhere. But to Brennan, it's a magical mixture designed to keep animals away from my garden. Well, that's what he told me....and he called it his "Super Stinky Garden Protector Goop." And, to think, I almost labeled it a mess.
creating the garden formula
It's so easy to get caught in the work that we lose the beauty. I could have allowed frustration to take over and then scolded Brennan for his "mess". This year I've been praying about seeing the beauty in life. In the everyday. Joy isn't reserved just for those big moments of life. It's in the everyday. The teeny moments of life. Sometimes I just need a little reminder to remember.
I've got this cold right now, and it's settled in my eyes. I know. Ultimate in gross. And yet, I'm thankful. It's given me the freedom to slow down. To sit on the couch, to watch my children, to enjoy. If I felt great I'd probably be living quickly, with an agenda to finish. But, in this time when my body needs rest, I've found some joy. Although...lol...I will admit that I'm praying to feel better soon! See those eyes below? That's what I want again. Right now I look like I've had no sleep for weeks!
lovely eyes
Ah, spring, how I love it. New....so in honor of spring, I'll leave you with one of my favorite poems. As a homeschooling mom of seven I certainly can tell you that we've memorized it, chanted it, and acted it out countless times. Enjoy!!

So take a lesson from the caterpillar. After he takes his walk he rests. And after that rest, that metamorphosis, he's a beautiful butterfly. Butterfly? or caterpillar? You decide...I know I'm going for the latter.
Thanks, Hannah for making my poem look awesome.
One last thing...here's what Chloe drew on our sliding door today.