What did I do? Well, some ain't stuff. I DID cut back the perennials from last year. I could see the green of new growth poking through so I took my gardening sheers and did away with last years remnants. I DID clean out the window well. (I'm sure my daughters will thank me. Right Hannah ?) And I DID help Hannah work on her graphic design blog. And I tried, one more time to introduce Samuel to some solid food. Not too successful. And I DID sit with all of my younger kids and read about the caterpillar. Did you know it has 10,000 eyes? Unbelievable. And we DID talk about how we need to keep the caterpillars away from our, oh shall we say curious, two year old. :)
But more than that? I was there for my kids. At least I tried to be. Samuel was sooooo fussy today. He wanted to be held. Constantly. At first I was so irritated. Didn't he know about my to-do list? My spring break list? But, as the day wore on, it became clearer and clearer that he was my to-do list today. He needed me. Not me who was racing from thing to thing. But me...the mom who could sit in the rocking chair and snuggle him. The mom who didn't worry about the laundry (although I will attempt to tackle it tonight...again). He needed his to-do list taken care of, not mine.
So I thought I'd post about it. And in the same spirit of my post from earlier, I'm going to offer you some pictures. Real pictures of today.
My REAL day
perennial bed...cleaned up