overlooked power

That power?


In a world dominated by self-actualization it is so easy to allow prayer to fade into the background. When we live by self, the very idea of praying seems antithetical. Are we weak when we pray? Not with God...but according to the agenda of the world? Perhaps. The world labels those who pray, who surrender, as those who don't have enough faith. Faith in themselves. And yet, prayer involves a tremendous amount of faith...strength...and belief.  And determination.  Look at my Caleb...he's throwing that stone with intentionality.  He knows that no matter what it will impact.  Make a splash.  Ripple.  That's prayer.  Not one prayer is lifted that doesn't ripple.

My daughter, Hannah, wrote about how life keeps spinning around faster and faster. I wonder how the Lord views us humans, His precious creation, racing from thing to thing. Things that we label as URGENT. "I must get dinner in the oven." The laundry. "If I don't return the phone-call." Groceries. Bills. Yardwork. What is urgent? Where is our time, our gift spent? I know for myself it is all to easy to fall of track and to focus on me, me and me. "I can do it myself!" my mind chants over and over. And yet my heart, my spirit, knows that I cannot. I cannot do anything to HIS glory without HIM. In Philippians, one of my favorite books of the Bible, Paul writes about his strength. He describes living in abundance and in want. And then, in the same sentence he declares that He can do ALL things through Christ.

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philiipians 4:12-13

When you read that verse it's integral to realize that Paul knew both. The presupposition with the sentence is that Paul has lived in abundance and in need. It's so easy for us to state that if "we only had this" or we "only had this circumstance" then we could do what we needed. No. No matter where we are...in trial or joy...our strength needs to come from HIM. Or else it is just us trying to live without real life. Life from Him. And where does life come from? From being connected, from prayer, listening...truth.

We could glide through our days unaware of the beautiful voice of the Father telling us to slow down, to look up, or to enjoy the blessings around us. I could spend all day working for my family and NOT enjoying my family. How incredibly sad that must be to my Father in heaven. Here He has blessed me with an amazing family, with seven fabulous children and a devoted husband, and if my only thoughts of them are of work, and duty, then I am missing the beauty that the Lord has placed in my life. When I am living a life of intentional prayer, of seeking Him throughout my day, then I can slow down...I can breathe in...I can be grateful. Then I feel the freedom to wait with the laundry for just a bit and instead run outside, blowing bubbles, and watching my two year old skip with glee chasing them. Those are moments of beauty. Moments I could have missed.

My challenge to you? To cultivate a life style of prayer. Where prayer isn't just scheduled, which is still good, but is also a minute by minute, breath by breath attitude of our day. When we wash dishes we can thank the Lord for our dishes, for our food, for water, for the time that we have to wash dishes. Or when we fold laundry prayers can be sent for each child...no longer grumbling about folding...but intentionality. That's the posture that we miss when we do life ourselves. Our way. We become well-oiled machines running on empty. Take some time to fuel. Throw your rocks...with Him. That's real power.