Dear Rachel,
You never thought life would be like this, did you? If you had known what would you have thought? Would the struggles have scared you? And did you ever imagine that you would be blessed with seven kids? I know, I know, seven kids -- crazy, right? And yet they bring such joy to your life. Don't forget the joy -- the laughter -- the love. They teach you.
You see life different.
I know that it's easy to get overwhelmed. How could it not? Samuel's Celiac Disease, and homeschooling, and running a house, and parenting, and being a wife. Don't lose the real focus. It really doesn't matter if every single page on the math book is filled out. Or if your kids can speak Greek. What matters are their hearts. Keep looking at their hearts. I'm going to say it again -- keep looking at their hearts. ♥
And they will teach you to see life different.
But, above all, seek the Lord. Not just in the hard times -- when you have no choice but being on your knees -- but in the good times or those days in-between. Those half-sunny, can't make up it's mind Minnesota normal weather type days. In all that you do, do it for the Lord's glory. Whether it's writing your blog, or preparing dinner, or reading to your children, or talking with friends, or folding laundry, or sweeping, or more. Give all and do all for Him.
And your life will be different.
And, Rachel, don't worry about cancer so much. God knows. You don't need to worry. But celebrate -- celebrate five years now of your husband being cancer free. Celebrate the clean report that you just got and knowing that you don't need to go back for an entire year. Rejoice. Seriously rejoice and breathe the gift of his health deeply.
Live different.
Just sit for a moment and look around. Breathe in the joy and the goodness and the life. Don't rush through this gift of time. Linger over your coffee. Hug Samuel just one more time. Laugh and play cars with Elijah. Read that John Deere book to Caleb. Watch Brennan ride his bike outside. Braid Gracie's hair. Help Chloe cook her next favorite recipe. Listen to Hannah dream. Tell Todd you love him.
That's real living.
You've got this chance of today.
You can sit there, at the computer, overwhelmed at starting. Or you can get up, and let the Lord fill you with His strength, and then begin to move through the day. His gift to you. These 24 hours of April 4, 2011 are only going to happen once. That's it. One day. Today.
What are you going to do?
You need to live. Really really really live.
by the way -- see that bracelet?
see my kids on it? it's the same one as in the first photo -- it's just the other side.
I love it.
I love it.
And I will be giving one of those away this week to one of you.
Custom made. With your photos.
Capturing life.
Like today.
Like today.