And that means it's Monday.
So let's ignore that it's Monday, and just be random.
Sigh. And start with Target.
1) I took Samuel to Target on his birthday. He got to ride in the cart for the first time. From the looks of the picture below, I'm not sure what he thought of it.
2) This is Samuel's cake. (Ace of Cakes I am not -- this is what you get when you have 20 minutes to quick make the cake)
3) This is Samuel eating his cake.
4) This is Samuel after his cake.
5) Then Samuel slept. Very well. I'm thinking he had WAY too much sugar and it rendered a slightly-comatose state for him. Until 2:30 am.
6) I have 3,141 pictures on my cell phone camera. Not kidding. I'm thinking they sent me an industrial memory card. I think I might need to deal with these pictures....
7) I need a new cell phone. I'm trying to wait until our contract needs to be renewed. That's in April. Until then I wait. Unless it breaks....
8) Tell me your favorite cell phone. (okay, I know that's not "technically" random, but I'm trying to plan, okay?) And why. I love having my email on my phone. That's needed. Is an iphone worth it? We'd have to switch from Sprint to AT&T then. Choices.
9) Speaking of choices, I had a good friend from highschool that was an exchange student from Russia. She told me that she was overwhelmed by our grocery stores. The coffee aisle alone had her baffled and in tears. And this was before Starbucks and fancy coffees became the norm. Sometimes I think I forget to be grateful for ALL we do have and focus on what I think I need.
10) Like at Target. I mean, seriously, they have everything. Including a scary sock puppet that't in a jack-in-the box. Which Samuel thought was funny. And, which I didn't buy -- it was $17.99. But, we did videotape him watching it. (with my camera phone, of course) Which I can't get to load. However, I will post another picture of Samuel in the Target cart just for your enjoyment -- :)
(this was after seeing that scary sock monkey jack-in-the box)