the new groove

I'm figuring it out.

This is the first week back -- back to the fall swing.  The schedule.  The running around.  Homeschooling.

I'll still blog.  

I just need to get my bearings, figure out my schedule, and make it through this week.

Oh yeah, and catch up on some laundry.  Do some yardwork.  Clean.

And watch with joy as my kids learn -- it never gets old.

that's Chloe's hand as she drops an egg into salt water
Brennan, Caleb and Elijah thought it was so cool that it could float

I hope that your week was awesome.  Whether it was the start of a new routine or the continuation of an existing one -- I pray that you are renewed and invigorated.  Fall is my favorite.   How about for you?

And, of course, I'm linking up to my wonderful daughter, Hannah's, Lovely Photo Wednesday.  Check it out -- I think you'll be blessed.  Wait.  I know you'll be blessed.

Lovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire