(i'm going to try)

How often do we overlook solace or laughter so that we can keep the never-ending checklist going?
(I know i do)

I'm not very good at taking a Sabbath day.  In fact, truth be told, I fail at it.  Miserably. I'm always so concerned that I'll be behind if I rest.  What about the laundry? Or the planning? Or the cleaning? I'll try to rest but my vision is clouded by a life full of things that need to be done.

I need to rest.

So today, I'm going to try again.  I am going to attempt to take time this afternoon not working. Those items on the to do list will be there tonight. And tomorrow.  My kids will grow. And my time is limited.

Maybe I'll play a game.
Or read some blogs.
Or read some books.
Or work on that snow fort.
Or take a nap.
(yes, a nap)

I don't know.  

I do know I'm going to try.

Care to join me?