a rule completed

back in December I wrote a post about my rules.  This post, by the way, was one of my most hit posts of all time -- thanks to my publishing network Blogher promoting it on Facebook.  Want to know another popular one?  And it's not about the writing?  It's about the subject. It's my miscellany monday post inspired by the movie Elf.  Ha ha ha -- I get hits simply because people search Elf quotes.

Back to the post.

I completed one of my rules yesterday.
That would be the rule--

:: build snowforts with your children.::

It started snowing these huge puffy flakes and at 10:14 am I closed the spelling book, threw on some boots and went outside with the kiddos.  It was glorious.  There was beautiful freedom in surprising my kids with a morning buried in the Minnesota snow.

 Oh yeah, and, yes, I am really truly completely that silly sometimes.  And my kids love it.

We made it have three rooms -- including a storage room for treasure -- inspired by our study of the Egyptian Pharaohs. I mean, truly, every snow fort must have that secret room for ice treasure.

Caleb is sitting on the royal snow throne carved into the corner of the large room.

Mister Brennan resting.  Although I'm not sure why -- cause his momma dug most of the fort out with her garden shovel. :)

Want to know really why I build it?  Really?  The picture below is why.  Completely.

It's okay to take a snow day.

It really is.