some of my rules

:: write down what your children say

:: if you don't write it down, then at least facebook it

:: snow days must become family days

:: there is never too much hot chocolate - or coffee

:: date verses in your Bible that you underline

:: Christmas music must include the music from Charlie Brown's Christmas

:: when you have a toddler expect that the bottom of the tree will get rearranged

:: snow boots, gloves, hats, and scarfs have the uncanny ability to multiply exponentially

:: snow gloves also have the ability to lose their match in the multiplication process

:: never make cookies too early -- you'll have to make them again because you ate them all

:: always let your kids end the hug -- they last longer

:: get to know the names of your coffee baristas

:: sometimes you just need to be silly with your kids

:: take time to serve and help others

:: build snow forts with your kids

:: thank the Salvation Army bell ringers

:: become a bell ringer

:: always water your live Christmas tree but don't leave the watering container by the tree

:: write a note in the front of some books that you give your children

:: link up with  my cookie recipe exchange

finding joy | Christmas Cookie Recipe Swap

:: it's okay to use Ball canning jars as your glasses

:: purchase your Christmas wrapping paper AFTER Christmas

:: let your kids use the empty wrapping paper tubes as swords

:: remember where you put the Christmas wrapping paper in January

:: make up stories for your children

:: save your calendars as journals of your life

:: do not grocery shop while hungry or when you are in a rush

:: remember to bring in the 24 pack of water bottles in the winter

:: if you don't -- don't drop them or they'll explode

:: tell your kids or your spouse that you love them

:: sometimes you need to count to ten. or twenty. or thirty

:: coffee helps

:: pray prayers of thanks 

:: try to rest and enjoy these days before Christmas

:: breathe

:: and rejoice.

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters