walking forward - steps for the new year

My daughter wrote a beautiful post regarding the new year.  She titled it dreams goals and hopes for the year - not resolutions.  Her list inspired me to create one of my own.

I want to laugh more
to play on the floor with my little ones

to listen to my teens tell me their dreams
to have an open shoulder for them to rest on
and a heart for their heart.

to drive without a phone
no calls, no incoming texts, no nothing
to drive focused

to make my husband coffee in the morning
to smile 
to look at him
 and not all that needs to be done.

to not be on the computer as soon as I get up
but rather be in the Word
real life

I want to not worry what others think of me
to walk with confidence 
to love
to serve others

Let me be thankful
to not forget how blessed we are
to not lose sight of freedom.

Let me remember the past
learn from it
but not be bound to it.

Even when there are worries 
let me release them to the Father.
Am I not more important than the lillies in the field?

Let me be aware of time
that moments spent with my loved ones
trump time spent doing my own thing.

As the seasons pass may I be filled with hope
and joy
and wonder
and let me notice those around me.
Those hurting
or in need.
Those I love
and those I don't even know.

Let me see beyond me.

May I worship fully.
And pray without ceasing.
Whether it's doing the dishes
or folding laundry
or next to my children.
Let my eyes focus on my Savior.

Let me open my home.
And not worry about having everything perfect.
May my heart be one of warmth.

When I write let it be from the heart.

I don't want to stuff emotions under the surface.
(I've done that)
If I need to mourn
then I'll mourn.
If I need to laugh
then I'll laugh.
If I need to seek truth
then I'll be on my knees.

There are only 12 months.
365 days.
8,766 hours.
525,949 minutes.
31,556,926 seconds.
Time is precious.
Time moves fast.

Let me be awake.