25 Of The Best jQuery Tooltip Plugin & Tutorial

I love tooltips. They are simply great because they increase the usability of GUI elements by several folds and can yet remain totally unobtrusive. What’s better when the greatness of tooltips combine with the awesomeness of jQuery? What follows is a totally appealing UI. Using tooltips not only helps readers to know a little bit more about the HTML element and about what it does, it also gives an impression that you care for the details.

This time around we have carefully chosen 25 of the best looking, best performing and totally efficient tooltip plugins developed by some great people. They are totally free to use. So check them out and make your next project a dashing one.

Poshy Tip jQuery Plugin

tinyTips Super-lightweight jQuery Tooltips

Colortip - a jQuery Tooltip Plugin

Simple Tooltip w/ jQuery & CSS

Create a Speech-Bubble Tooltip using CSS3 and jQuery

jQuery Form Validation and Tooltip


jQueryTools Tooltip

jQuery AJAX Plugin

TipTip jQuery Plugin

jQuery Horizontal Tooltips Menu

Simple Tooltip Powered by jQuery

Horizontal Tooltips for Menus

Create a Simple Tooltip with jQuery and CSS

jTip Tooltip Plugin

Coda Popup Bubbles

ProtoTip 2

Easiest Tooltip and Image Preview with jQuery

jGrowl Tooltips

Digg Style Post Sharing Tooltip with jQuery

Orbital Tooltip

Build a Better Tooltip with jQuery Awesomeness

qTip Tooltip Plugin

jQuery Popup Bubble
