a different view of the lights

We now interrupt my regular blogging to bring you a different look at me.

A silly one, perhaps?

It was one of those pics that Hannah snapped while I was putting lights up outside.

(Interested in those lights?  Read this post about why I put lights up -- memory strands)

So she asked me to strike a funny pose.  And this was the best I could do.

Oh well, it proves that I'm normal.  Right?

Or at least a mom.


(I can never figure out what compels me to put these pics up)

So here you go. Enjoy.

and yes, my garage is rather full of stuff.

Organized stuff.

Link up to Hannah's Lovely Photo Wednesday and share a pic of you.  Let me know you did -- and I'll be off to check it out.

Lovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire