i need more cookies! (the link-up)

I'm serious.  Completely serious.

{Caleb and I on our cookie making day}
This is the one time of year where I go all out baking cookies.  Come January it'll be whole-wheat wraps stuffed with spinach and light chicken.  Ha ha ha.  Okay, just regular chicken.  But, you know what I mean -- the diet shifts after that new calendar gets slapped onto the wall.  Until then??  I've got some time to try some new cookies. And I'm looking for some recipes.

I'm starting an online cookie recipe exchange link-up. Here are the details.  Post or link to a post with your cookie recipe or cooking making day (you can always add a recipe to a previous post...) Add your link to the linky below.  Then, to make it fun, blog hop to three other blogs and take a peek at their recipes.  And comment.  Because you know, we all love comments. :)

Oh, yeah, and add this button/banner that my Hannah made to your post. (how could you not? it's so cool and festive and that's my cherry-chocolate kisses cookie on the left looking yummy.)

finding joy | Christmas Cookie Recipe Swap

Sound fun?  I can't wait to read your recipe and your story to go with it. So start baking.  Now.

And, yes, if I could have figured out a REAL cookie exchange I would have.  Trust me.

I was interviewed by Mrs. Claus on the blog Like Christmas Every Single Day.  Sandi is such a sweetie, and asked me the most interesting questions.  If you'd like to read more of my "interview" click here. And make sure to check out her very festive blog!

Thanks, Mrs. Claus!  It was fun.....do you know any cookie recipes?