the domino effect

It's one of those days.

Last night, my Chloe felt awful before bed.  Gracie was already sick.

This morning my family fell like dominoes -- Hannah, Brennan, Caleb, Elijah, Chloe, Samuel, and myself.  We're coughing like there is no tomorrow.  The only one that feels okay, be it slightly?  Grace and my husband, Todd.


This is one of the reasons I don't like winter.  But, I'm not going to grumble anymore.  Nope.  Instead I'm going to list some beautiful benefits of dealing with a sick family.  Not that I ever want them sick, mind you, but if I looked only at everyone being sick, and feeling sick myself, I would end up in overwhelm.

So therefore, I give you some silver lining moments from this bout of illness.
 Twenty reasons to be exact. :)

1) I get many more hugs.
2) I get many more "I love you, Mom's"
3) There isn't any racing around our main level.
4) The fighting level drops drastically.
5) Many books get read.  (and yes, more television viewing...I've got to be real, right?)
6) I get a nap. Maybe.
7) It is not a vomit sickness.
8) It is not a vomit sickness.  (I had to type that twice.  I am SO grateful to have dodged that bullet)
9) My house stays clean.
10) We all realize how much we love each other.
11) We all realize how great it is to feel well.
12) I get to blog at 8:30 in the morning versus 5:30 in the morning or 11 pm at night.
13) Now, I get to go down in my family room, snuggle under a blanket with Eli and watch Curious George.
14) We learn about science when we discuss the benefits of a fever.
15) I finally can use the massive amount of Kleenex tissues that I bought at Costco
16) It is not vomit sickness.  I know, I know, I know.  Just had to mention it one more time.
17) The amount of running around I do in the Suburban will drop down to nothing.
18) We'll save gas money.  And food money -- since we're only eating chicken noodle soup
19) It only seems to last several days and Samuel's has NOT developed into croup.
20) Hopefully tomorrow we'll feel better - then I'll write a new list -- a list of health!

extra snuggle time

Do you have any "getting through the sick time tips" to share?  If so, please do.  I'd love to know.  Feel free to list your silver lining moments as well.  So often it's perspective, isn't it?

Blessings and health on your day!