dreams and a quick note

Elijah staring at the Christmas lights

oh little one
sweet babe of mine
with dreams so big

what goes on 
in your little mind
what do you dream?

little boy of mine
to always hope

to always love
to always believe
 to always dream


We're healing over here in cold (and potentially snowy -- we're in a winter storm warning) Minnesota.  My little Elijah and Brennan are struggling the most, but I'm praying that by the end of the day they'll be on the mend.  I was so blessed by all of your prayers and kind comments.  You had some great suggestions!  And I am sorry that I haven't got back to many of the comments yet -- specifically for Lovely Photo Wednesday -- it's just been a different schedule with the sickies.


Sorry for my short little rambling post.  I only had a couple minutes this morning -- we're going to a hoedown, we've got that winter storm, I've still got some sick ones, my coffee is brewing, and of course, there's ballet in the evening.  A busy, but blessed day.

 And thank goodness it's Friday. :)