This is what I found.
1] Growth Chart. Samuel was carefully plotted on his growth chart. His weight? 10th percentile. Height? 50th percentile. Head circumference? 75th percentile. When the nurse plotted that melon of a head of his I just started laughing out loud. She looked at me funny, but I didn't care -- I just laughed and laughed and laughed at my little bobble-head.
cute little Sammy with his 75% head
(this was 2days before he went to the hospital
the first time. You can see he's ill in those baby-blues.
I just love him. So much.)
2] Room Service. At Childrens I had to order my food in for myself every meal time. You call this silly code -- 4Food -- and then start to place both orders. Samuel was free. I, however, had to place a $3.50 order every time. I cannot begin to tell you how hard it was to get my order to that $3.50 minimum. Finally, Renae, the receptionist (yes, I got to know her name....that's just me!) would be telling me, "it's okay, honey, we'll let you be done at $3.21." I think they got to know me -- especially when they started remembering my coffee order.
3] Coffee. First off, I'm sure those of you who know me are laughing that the hospital staff figured out my coffee order. Second, even though the hospital brews Starbucks Coffee it does not mean it tastes like Starbucks coffee. At all.
4] Sleep. There is little to no sleep in the hospital. Even when the nurses thought they were being stealth and sneaking in at 3am to check Samuel's vitals. I woke up. I did the half-an-eye-open super-spy ninja parent move. Ha ha ha. Then as soon as they left I'd have to rock Samuel back to sleep since he got woke up by that thermometer under his arm and blood pressure cuff on his leg....
5] Time. Honestly, I think hospital time operates on it's own time world. That world? Slow. Very slow. I'd tell myself to not look at the clock and then when I'd finally think an hour had passed I'd let myself peek only to discover that 6minutes went by. Nice.
6] Nurses. They are friends. Get to know them. Listen. I was blessed beyond measure by Samuel's nurses. They let me cry on their shoulder, would advocate for me, would bring my food in (this was important when I was waiting for that tray of gluten-free hospital goodness-- which, by the way, was eggs or plain chicken as options -- for 4days. hee hee hee), and most importantly took care of my Samuel.
7] Cell Phone Charger. I forgot mine. Don't do that. Unless you want to be isolated.
last pic taken with my working phone.
on day one.
8] Prayers. This isn't a funny one, but I can't write a post without stating how blessed I am by them. I'm so grateful for every single one. Thank you. I know it was the grace of God and those prayers that sustained me for those days. Looking back, I have no idea how I coped, but I just did. In fact, one nurse commented on my patience -- she couldn't believe how kind and patient I was -- that was a gift from God. Extra grace. :)

One last thing -- you all have overwhelmed me with your kindness, concern, prayers and goodness. I will never begin to express the gratitude that I have for every comment and email. Thank you for taking time from your busy lives to share words of encouragement with me. I am grateful.