when the plan changes

Did I get up early?


{I'm going to blame it on my awful shoulder -- which is an old rotator cuff injury (with 2 surgeries) back from highschool.  The pain was almost gone yesterday, and then at 3:45 am I reached behind me to check the time (because my sweet Samuel was waking up) and out went my shoulder. Again.}

Earlier today I was having a hard time managing the pain.

Thankfully, after some heavy duty ibuprofen I'm able to sit still now.  But, it's 11:29 and we've accomplished very little.  Make that no school work yet -- besides Gracie's Saxon Math.

And I'm okay with that.

If I adhered to such a rigorous schedule that wouldn't have grace for days like this I'd drive myself crazy with overwhelm and guilt.  So I've had to learn to be content.  In the good/great days and the middle of the road days and the bad days.  I've discovered the days where I think I'm failing that they can still be redeemed.  They just don't go the way I planned in my head.

{that's the good arm in a pic taken by my Hannah}

The sooner I relinquish my ideal agenda and embrace picking up where I left off the better.  I've had to learn this -- slowly. Sometimes I'm such a black and white gal.  If the day is flopping by 11:32 am (which is now) then I used to throw in the towel.  Now, I'm starting to realize that instead of looking at the day as not measuring up that I now look at the day as having 8-9 valuable hours right in front of me. It's a reversal of thinking.

How will I use those minutes? Lamenting the morning that didn't follow my original plan? Or grateful for the full afternoon that I'm blessed with?

I'm choosing the latter.

So, with my shoulder pain slightly reduced, and my kids happy because they got to watch a movie in the morning, and the light snow falling I press on.  We'll work on our lists, I'll rest, but above all I'm content in our day.


By the way, do you see this adorable picture of my Gracie dwarfed by that enormous frame?  My daughter Hannah is hosting a giveaway on her blog (an original Organic Bloom frame) and I, of course, had to mention it.  I can't win.  But, maybe one of you can.  I'm working on trying to convince Hannah that the best place for that frame is in my living room.

Go to Hannah's blog
and enter.  Win for me.  And tell her that it would look perfect in my living room.   Thanks. :)