1} I've been asked to speak at 3 different events. The intriguing part was I was asked within 2 different days all events unrelated. I am very very very humbled. It's not about me. It's about God -- my love for Him -- and the calling I think He's placed on my heart.
2} I love to share my story. In fact, I have a heart for women -- for freedom from the labels and chains that society places on us. And labels that we put on ourselves. So often our day is clouded by our past. We don't move freely forward, we're looking down and worrying and fretful and often with a sense of overwhelm and hopelessness. Our footing is based on the world's timeline.We remember where we failed, or didn't measure up, or the mistakes made, and so on. All that is baggage that we're dragging around with us. Truth is? We don't have to. Every single day, we can drop that baggage at the feet of Jesus. Learn from it if we need to. Carry it with us? No.
3} It's interesting how the Lord works. For years I've felt called to speak, to share my heart openly, and yet have felt the Lord say I was to wait, and that it was on his time. And I waited. I spoke a couple times here and there, but I rested in waiting.
4}Reminds me of this song I love by Vineyard -- where are my eyes? Are they looking up?
If you say go I will go,
If you say wait I will wait,
I you say step out on the water
and they say it can't be done
We'll fix our eyes on you and we will come.
5} Parenting requires work. And focus. And laughter. Well, thankfully, our children provide us with those moments of laughter, don't they? Just yesterday my Elijah was so cute. Here's our conversation after church:
Me - Elijah what did you learn in Sunday School?
Elijah - (big inhale) About God.
Me - Oh, that's great! Tell me more about what you learned about God.
Elijah - (even bigger inhale) About the Bible
Me - Great! And what about the Bible did you learn?
Elijah - (even bigger inhale than before) Um....About God?
that's my Elijah
6} He's got the basics down. I've got to give him credit there. I think we could have gone back and forth on that one for a bit. But, here's the deal. Elijah is three. I believe it is critical to talk with him about church, and God, and what he learned right now. Not wait till he's older. But now. Even though it went in a loop. I want him to know that I value him and his relationship with the Lord.
7} And, by the way, Elijah learned about the Magi. I am THANKFUL for the sheets sent home with my little ones. If you teach little kids -- send home info sheets. Or a coloring page. Or, if you don't, talk with the parents. :)
8} My friend, Lynnette - from Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground, wrote an interesting article on parenting priorities that was influenced by an article in the Wall Street Journal titled "Why Chinese Mothers are Superior." Lynnette does a beautiful job unpacking the article -- worth reading -- and articulating her goal as a mother. Click HERE to read and be blessed by her words of wisdom.
9} Finally, for all of you who are curious how my early rising is going -- today I woke at 5:49 am. Samuel woke up, and I put him back to bed, and stayed awake. Victory! For all of you who are joining me in trying to rise earlier, how are you doing? Any tricks for me? Besides the cup of freshly brewed Caribou Coffee that is half gone sitting in front of me?

Even though I'm hoping to win.