sharing a bit of my finding joy heart

1) I'm speaking tonight at a homeschool support group, and am sharing a bit of our story. I'd love prayers - that the words aren't just about me, but are words that reflect and direct back to the Father above. Oh yes, and prayers that my heart is calm. But most importantly, that the Lord can use me to bless those around me as I speak about His faithfulness in ALL circumstances.

2) Want to know what I'm talking about? It would be finding joy.
          (I wonder where I got that idea)

these flowers
 --which were a gift from a lifegroup at my church --
 bring me joy

3) Samuel had a great week last week. I'm having to relearn how to surrender and let go of worry. It's as if I've had to reteach myself to recognize that not every cry is one of not feeling well. He's approaching 17 months and has a wee bit of a temper at times. It's balance. And relearning. And trusting. And praising for the good days.

4) Over the course of the next week we have a follow-up visit with his amazing Pediatric GI Doctor (next Monday) and our visit with the Pediatric Immunology/Infectious Disease Doctor (tomorrow).I'm eager to visit with the doctor tomorrow and have been praying that he takes a serious and thorough look at my Samuel. I've been praying for good news and answers. And for that calm heart again. :)

5) I have only missed gluten a couple of times. I can hardly believe that I don't miss gluten more than I do -- considering it's in 90% of everything Target sells. I honestly believe that my determination in NOT eating gluten comes from seeing the change in my Samuel. A month ago he could hardly get up from the ground and now today he's going up and down stairs, climbing, walking without falling, and playing. He still has hard days, but they are less severe and shorter than they were previously. In fact, right now, he's been squirming on my lap while I've been writing this post. God is good.

Samuel with his gluten free gingersnap from Trader Joe's

6) Samuel's weight? UPDATE: I just weighed him and he's lost close to a pound in the last week. When I wrote this post this morning the last weight was sitting steady.  Then when I checked the plot on the Wii Fit he lost almost that pound.  I don't get it.  Sigh. **** He hasn't lost anymore weight, but he hasn't gained either. I don't get the no gaining because I see him eat and eat and eat --all gluten free. We've also taken him off lactose for 3months, and I chatted with his GI Doctor and we are repeating the biopsy in early summer to check healing of his gut. However, let me tell you, not losing anymore weight is a huge step in the right direction.

7) Last bit of info about me -- I wrote my post for 5Minutes for Faith. It's about rejoicing in the Lord -- in all times -- and is based off of Philippians 4. (I know you all are shocked that I used something from Philippians.)    I love that book. One of my goals for the next year is to memorize Philippians. I'm starting with chapter four. Anyone game to memorize it along with me? And click here to read my article at 5Minutes for Faith.

Kind of a serious miscellany monday. I know I haven't updated about Samuel for a bit. I'm in a quandry right now about the medical updates. I'm debating starting a caringbridge site dedicated just for him and his journey with Celiac Disease. But, then again, I want my life interwoven and real on this blog -- and Samuel's path speaks directly to my heart and my relationship with the Lord. Thoughts?

And once again, I'd truly be blessed if you could pray for me -- 
for my talk and for the appointments with Samuel.

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters