2} Samuel? He's doing better this morning. He slept through the night {the first time ever -- and he's 18 months old}. Sleeping through the night means his Celiac is getting under control. He didn't sleep well prior because he was so hungry, and that was due to the damage to his intestines causing malabsorption issues. Sleep = absorbing food = good. Actually that = great.
3} I'm working on my Celiac facts post. In it my hospital and er story will be interwoven. I'll just say this -- the nurses knew Samuel was really sick. The first ER doctor questioned me from the moment I walked in, was dismissive, and more. To this day, I am still deeply grateful for the nurses who dug in their heels and fought for Samuel. If I had simply listened and allowed them to discharge Samuel (which was the initial assessment which shifted after Samuel took a turn for the worse and the nurses arguing) he could have ended up in a coma within days. I know that God heard prayers that day. I know it.
4} I love this picture of Samuel looking out through the sliding door to our deck as big sister Hannah takes a picture. I love it because he looks well. And happy. And quite curious. :)
5} My family loves to watch Chopped on Food Network. Last night was Chopped All-Stars -- and if you're a fan -- like us -- you'll agree it was the best one ever. And honestly, it was just what I needed. A break. A bit of laughter. {Do any of you watch?}
6}Brennan {who is seven}finished up a unit in science on animals. First, I'm amazed at the facts that I forget -- especially since I teach my kids and well, we've done lots of units on animals. And second, I absolutely love this picture Brennan drew of an insect {can you guess which word I wrote? after I heard,"aw, mom there are too many words.} Too cute. It for sure will be going in the save box.
7} I'm itching for spring cleaning. And purging. {Okay that was totally random, but I thought of it when I typed the word save box.}
8} I looked back at a post I wrote last year {thoughts of spring} -- about me taking a perennial garden walk in the morning and the joy in viewing my little crocus plants peeking up with their purple flowers -- and I'm letting out a big sigh this morning. The only flowers I see are those yellow daffodils in the kitchen. Outside is covered in snow. Spring will really come. Someday.
Okay I need to know:
Are you a spring cleaner? Do you take a week off to clean? A day?
And what do you do with the stuff? Garage sale? Donate? Or more?