notes to self

Here are some of my recent notes to self.

~Toys can look either messy or beautiful depending on perspective.  I'm trying to see them the latter way.

~Let your little ones jump in puddles in the spring. Even in the Target parking lot. Even if it means walking around and finding a puddle that is acceptably deep so that it makes a rewarding splash.

~Do not worry about puddle splashed pants and shoes. It's March, and we've endured a long winter. In fact, it will produce many laughs if you jump in the puddle with them.

~When you rise in the morning make coffee for your husband before you make your own.

~When children don't want to complete academics they will resort to using anything as an SOS. And you will only have your camera phone to capture a photo AND the lighting will be bad.

~Inevitably your favorite shirt will go through the dryer on high heat.  Therefore get as many initial wears out of it before doing the first, and perhaps fateful, last wash. Sigh. Now I miss that black sweater even more.

~The pillows that you put on the couch will find their way on the floor in a matter of minutes when children live in your home.

~Those same pillows make excellent play for making some "fun" sandwiches.

~Those same pillows also made a little nest for newborn babes. Including once little itty-bitty Samuel.

~A smoothie always tastes better with just a bit of icecream.

~Expect that little ones will want to play piano with you.

~Never misplace Algebra Teacher's Manuals.  Ever. Ever. Ever.

~Even though I'm a ballet mom that doesn't mean I need to know every term.  And lift my leg like they do -- it looks just too painful and yet they make it seem easy. {and that would be Hannah with her leg in an easy stretch}

~The tights that you just purchased for those ballerina daughters will snag and develop a run.  Don't fret. Even though they were almost $13. Just invest in some good clear nail polish.

~Everyone will get the idea to check out at the same time at Target.

~Prepare your kids before walking into the store that we will not be buying impulse items in the checkout line.  And then do not purchase any for your self. No matter how good those chocolates look.

~And if you do cave and by an impulse item for yourself expect that the cashier will loudly ask if you'd like to keep it out instead of putting it in the bag. Be prepared to share.

~Teeth under baby teeth that get knocked out by a friend's knee on a trampoline can take months and months to finally make an appearance.  At least I'm hoping it'll be any month soon....especially since this was in October and it's now, what, March?

~The big blue ball for $2.89 at Target that looked so cute and fun in the store will become the thorn in your side in the days to come as it is bounced, rolled, dropped, kicked, thrown, jumped on, sat on, and passed around your living room.

~Writing down these notes to self reminds me of the sweet and beautiful moments in life.

~And they also remind me to always date the half and half in the fridge with a black permanent marker so that one's morning coffee (or their husband's coffee) does not get soured half and half. Which, by the way, no amount of sugar can ever mask.

~In Minnesota it is acceptable to NOT wear a coat when the weather hits 45 degrees in March.  And you just might see some people in shorts.  That's the truth. All we need to see is just a bit of grass. Or have temps above 28.

Have your own note to self?
What would be one thing you've learned this week?
It can even be not to park next to free standing carts on windy days.
{not sure how I learned that one.}

I'd love to hear!


And, if you've got a lovely springy photo
 -- including ones of grass that is peeking through that thick layer of snow -- 
that you'd love to share head on over to Hannah's blog for her One Word Wednesday link up! 
 Click below. :)

One Word Wednesday at Aspire