The snow is melting. All except for our front yard. It's almost a bit embarrassing for me -- you drive down our street and see grass, grass, mega snow, grass, grass, grass. I cannot figure out why our yard hangs on to the not so wanted snow. We've got two huge piles sitting in the front. Sigh....was it the snow fort?
Even more embarrassing? That I had to google search how to spell embarrass. After three times of seeing the squiggly red line under the word I decided enough was enough, and I swallowed my homeschooling momma pride and looked up the word.
I have the 30Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. I thought I'd try the easy level. As I was doing it I was thinking that it was no big deal. Easy. Now when it takes me four times as long to sit up because my abs are so sore I'm starting to be humbled and embarrassed (practice makes perfect with spelling) about my opinion of the 30Day Shred. It might take me longer to complete it....Is there a 30Day Shred + 6 weeks?
I wrote a devotional for five minutes for faith that is published today. I wrote about joy -- and more specifically about finding joy. {Are you surprised?) I'd love for you to read it. It's called -- I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy....

I don't think Brennan and Caleb (my seven and five year olds) got the idea behind the time change. Instead of getting up later they've been waking earlier than ever. Just this morning I heard Caleb wandering downstairs at a little bit past six this morning. Too early, too early, too early. However, it is cute to listen to them talk all stealth like and quiet as they pour their cereal. :) It's not as cute if they get crabby.
When most people hear that I have seven kids I typically hear them gasp. I always tell the that I am so blessed by my kids. Sometimes I forget that I have such a big family. It just seems normal for me. And I love the laughter. Oh, we laugh over here -- how could we not?
The girls and I love to watch The Amazing Race on Sunday nights. (Remember, that was the one show I'd love be on.) Anyways, I forget to record the next program at eight at night because many times The Amazing Race gets bumped back due to sports. So sigh. Last night we arrived home, grabbed our late night snacks (which Jillian Michaels would not approve of) and settled in to watch. Once we realized that 60 Minutes creeped into the first 21 minutes of The Amazing Race we realized that we were doomed. Oh well, we're thankful for online streaming. And that Chopped Champions recorded.
I have nine loads of laundry to fold today. I'm just saying. And will take volunteers.
I love lists (which is probably why I write so many on this blog). I'm thinking of writing a top ten list of favorite gluten free resources. Since it's been two months since Samuel was diagnosed with Celiac Disease I've learned what products I love to use, what's a good value for your money, and to be very very careful about dining out. He's still recovering from our Olive Garden encounter with gluten from the gluten free menu. We'll see. What would be on your top ten list?
Now this was a random miscellany monday post. I kind of needed to be random after being away from the computer -- helped clear the brain. Enjoy your monday -- hopefully yours is warm, that your snow melts (and if it doesn't don't be embarrassed -- I can spell it now), and that you get exactly done what you need to do. And that your day is filled with joy. :)