i'm melting

It is so hot.

It is so humid.

It is hot and humid.

And I'm melting.

Now, I know I don't live down south where they truly deal with heat, but as a Minnesotan, I can truly tell you we are hardy individuals.  Why?

We melt & freeze within six months of each other.

For example - this was my temp gauge in the truck in January.

yes, that is a negative sign in front of the 19

And now my temp gauge just this month.
and no, the 95 does not reflect any humidity level

Notice the difference? (Since it's summer I'll do the math.)  The number? 114 degrees.  Coupled with wind chills and high humidity and blizzards and tornadoes I must admit that I understand ways to deal with extremes in weather. I understand and can empathize with moms who are doing the dreaded seasonal clothes switch.  I get having bins in the garage that store boots and hats next to bins storing the slip-n-slide and water guns.

Solutions for my current melting dilemma?  Looking at the below pics.  And remembering that in six months I'll be craving high temps and high humidity and all things iced besides the roads.

snowstorm 1 out of 10


the road to ballet

ha ha ha -- cold & coffee

Now, off to refill the pool -- again.  Off to get an iced coffee.  Off to mow, to garden and to enjoy these warm temps. Because, truly, those pictures above will be me in just six short months. And honestly?  Knowing Minnesota it could be much less time. :)