taming the laundry

I am, once again, in need of the magical laundry fairy.  You know?  The one who can instantly catch an individual up on all of that laundry build up. Laundry that got ignored as I ran our garage sale.  I've got piles waiting to be washed and piles waiting to be folded.  And a hamper overflowing.  And wet towels, used for that hot day yesterday in the pool, hanging over the edge of the deck railings.  And I'm wishing for that quick, instant fix.

Which won't come.

Taming the laundry.  

This involves work.  Dedicating time to fold, wash, and put-away.  Work that honestly, I don't really enjoy.  I can putz around in my garden and yard for hours, and yet, spending that time in my laundry room isn't my idea of a fabulous afternoon.  Make that day.

It needs to be done.

I know that once I'm caught up I'll be grateful, and have that sense of accomplishment.  It's just those steps of catching up that are so difficult.  Isn't that how life is?  Sometimes we have to go through these times that we know will be challenging -- there's no way around those trials -- and yet, once we re-emerge we're so grateful for walking through.

There are beautiful analogies in the everyday.  Images of perseverance, diligence, and faith.  Sometimes it seems as if the Lord gives us lessons in the little things so that we are a little bit prepared when the big deals come about.  And then, at least for me, we're really grateful for all those little things that used to be challenging.

So off to do laundry. 

And to be grateful for the laundry.

All the while telling myself to stay caught up.

Till next time.

And honestly -- I'm doing the laundry for my family -- and that includes this little guy. 

 It's worth it.

don't you love what the humidity did to Samuel's hair?