Miscellany Monday

I've decided to once again be a part of Miscellany Monday.  I'm thinking that I'll have some random thoughts for you all -- and as I type this I'm trying to wrap my brain around which ones to share.  So here goes --

1) We have received tons of rain this June.  The new activity of choice for my kids?  Racing around in puddles in the backyard.  My new activity?  Baling it out my raspberry patch.  Or my fab neighbor's basement.

raspberry patch behind the pine in the new "pond"

2) Despite having massive amounts of moisture already my kids are enjoying our blow-up pool.  Because of the rain I've left the pool in the same spot for too long of a time.  That has successfully burnt some of our grass.  Oh, well, their smiles made it worth it, right?

note the grass in the back

3) When a mother is with a baby in the ER and has to use the bathroom it presents as a tricky situation.  My options and choices?  One -- walking out and asking the staff behind the desk to hold Samuel.  Two -- Wiggling.  Lots.  Three -- praying that someone walks in the room so that I don't have to push the "toliet" call button.  Four -- rejoicing when the alarm for the battery for the iv starts ringing (it needed to be plugged in) and then handing sweet sleeping Samuel over to the surprised nurse. :)

that's me holding my Sam

4) Graham crackers taste amazing after an entire day of no food.  That and a teeny can of Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup heated in the Children's Hospital Short Stay Unit's Microwave. Thank you Campbells.

5) I've written about being behind on laundry before and have decided that all those times are now fallacies.  Now, I can truly tell you that I am behind on laundry.  Mega.  Huge.  Ginormous. Anyone want to come and help fold?

6) Sleep helps gain perspective.  I don't think I need to explain that beyond telling you that I finally got some sleep.

7) Teething Bling Give-Away.  Last week, on Miscellany Monday, I told you that I would be doing the give-away that week.  I was planning on writing my post last Thursday -- which was the day I was in the hospital with Samuel -- so now I'm aiming to put it together this week.

that's the color of my Teething Bling -- love it.

8) I love my Teething Bling.  I feel a bit trendy.  And Samuel?  He just chews and chews and chews.  Honestly?  This will be my gift of choice for new mothers.  Worth it. Keeps them chewing on something large.

9) Next week will be a short Miscellany.  I will be writing it from the lake.  Yes, vacation.  I think I might need one. Just slightly.

that will be the view I see in less then a week

10) I made it to ten.  I know that Carissa did not make rules for this Miscellany Monday, but somehow I got it in my head that I need to do ten.  Carissa -- when you are reading this please try to refrain from giggling.  Try.  And, yes, I agree with you about those Jean Diapers.  Teething Bling = trendy.  Jean Diapers = just a bit too trendy -- at least for me. :)

Remember to link up and join the randomness!  I love this day -- it always puts a smile on my face. :)

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters