salt or self

Yesterday, in my Miscellany Monday post, I made reference to a verse in Colossians that I've been pondering.  I also noted that I might just do a post on that book.  Well, it took all of 18 hours and I'm ready to write.

Here's part of the verse again-

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.
(Colossians 4:6)

 I've been pondering the phrase "seasoned with salt"--especially with regards to my children-- both in my responses to them and their own language to both parents and peers.  If you think of the purpose of salt, it is to enhance the flavor--to bring out the intensity of what you are already eating.  In the verse seasoned with salt, I believe it means seasoned with truth--wisdom that comes from the Lord.

What I see in youth, and in society in general is the lack of salt and thus graciousness.  The lines of  respect for adults and authority is blurred more and more.  I hear language that is crass--words that push the boundaries, that tease, and that serve no purpose other to build one own's self up.    

In our home we desire that our words build up, encourage, and seek to understand.  We discourage slang terms that mimic or shorten phrases that take the Lord's name in vain.  We live in a world where the name of the Lord lacks honor.  And yet, we are commanded to "not misuse the name of the Lord."   From the phrase OMG (just the other day I saw a shirt at the store with those three letters plastered on the front.  And it was for an 8 year old) to Geez to you name it --His name--His powerful name is used in a way that shows no respect. It may seem small and insignificant, yet diminishing His name can have lasting consequences. His name demands power, respect and honor.

The tongue, and taming the tongue, is mentioned numerous times in the Bible.  From gossip to lying to slander to the misuse of the Lord's name--the tongue, and our voices, need work.  And work it is.  It takes discipline to refrain from gossip.  It takes determination to refrain from misusing the Lord's name--even indirectly. It takes commitment to praise not criticize.

Instead of emphasizing how we shouldn't speak--we choose to give power to the way we should speak. The verse says, "let your speech always be gracious."  Always. It's a challenge, but it's worth it.  My challenge for us today?  To speak with words seasoned with salt.  It's so easy, at least for me, to answer based on my emotion and opinions.  The real test is to speak with words that are full of His salt -- kind, truthful, caring, appropriate, and wise. A little salt added can change the whole thing.

Grace doing her salt experiment