target statements

(Is this post about my favorite store--Target?  Nope--though I could easily write one about it!)

Tell me, have you ever uttered these phrases:

Hurry up--we're going to be late.

Don't forget to....

If you're like me--you've stated them many times.  Here's something I've learned that has blessed me tremendously.  (My children have benefited from it as well.)  About three years ago I was attending a master's class in Christian counseling.  It was a very intensive time for me, but also quite joyful.  One bit of information that has stuck with me is the idea of the target we give our brain.  If we say, "we're going to be late," then our brain aims for us to be late.  When we say, "don't forget..." our brain thinks forget--and we forget to do or bring exactly what we didn't want to forget.

where is my aim?

So in our home we've changed those target statements.  Here they are now:

Hurry up--we're going to be late : Let's get moving so that we'll be early.

Don't forget to ... : Remember to ...

See the shift?  Instead of forgetting, we're targeting remember.  And instead of being late, we aim always to be early.  Even my little ones, when I forget and say the word late, will tell me, "we're the on-time and early family, mamma!"  And honestly, since we've altered our target, we typically are early to events.

Just wanted to share....our minds our powerful, aren't they? Today's challenge?  Try replacing one of those statements.  See what happens--and let me know about it. :)