1) Caleb, who's almost five, came running in with flowers for me. Every day. He finally said to me, "you know why I get you flowers mom? It's because I love you." Melted me heart.
flowers right after being picked
flowers this morning
flowers outside by our deck
4) My perennial garden is huge. Expands every year. If any of you were local, I'd invite you over for some coffee and then we'd dig up some perennials for you to take home.5) I have not canned yet. Now, the canner from my last Miscellany Monday, is sitting in my garage on my gardening bench. Soon. There's a farmers market on Thursday and I will be buying produce.
6) Anyone do a fall garden? My summer garden (except for tomatoes) is coming to a close, so the bed looks so bare. I'm wondering -- even it's possible -- to put a fall garden in. Especially since I live in Minnesota.
7) I know I just wrote about missing summer, but let me tell you -- I'm excited for fall. Truly. I love the feeling of the air, going to the apple orchard, the colors, and the more organized days.
Brennan at the pumpkin farm last year
9) Interested? Okay. Here's a sneak peak -- our entire family is going to be studying Medieval History. I'm excited. We've done many, many, many years of ancient history and an equal number of years studying American history. It's time for a year filled with knights, and serfs, and illuminated letters -- I think I'm probably more excited than my kids! And, yes, even Hannah -- the highschooler -- will be studying this with us. (She'll get one credit in Old World History and one in British Literature)
10) So now, today, I'm going to start planning. And breathing a sigh of relief!
wait--that's nothing to do with fall, or plants, or curriculum
that's my obligatory Samuel picture
(he was 3 months there)
Link up with my fabulous friend, Carissa's Miscellany Monday link up. Still wondering about my curriculum choice? That post is coming. Call this the teaser.

Have a great Monday!!!