1) Ebay. Remember my post with the piles of books? I am still working on listing, emailing, and packing those books. Feels so good to clean the shelves.
2) Trying to decide. I still do not know what the final curriculum choices will be this fall. I'm getting close, but get so indecisive when it come time to actually buy. Somehow I feel "bound" by the choice. I just need to decide.
just a small sampling of my catalogs
4) Homeschooling success? Doesn't come from the curriculum (though it helps). It's about doing and implementation. I always compare it to reading the best book on parenting -- if you don't actually do it the book does you no good.
5) Let's see, what else? I'm going to be canning. I have a bunch of produce ready to meet the black canning pot. Busy.
canner meet my produce
6) Speaking of food, and now that we all know that Aarti won the Next Food Network Star, I did the once a month cooking thing last week. Actually, I cooked 12 meals at one time. It was work. In the long run I think it's cheaper -- the meals work off of each other. We'll see how they taste. This needs to be it's own post -- so think of this as the "teaser"-- more to come from finding joy! (hee hee hee)
7) Samuel. He is busy. Super busy. Crawling, cruising around furniture, oh, so busy. Love him though -- hold up I need to go get him as he's making a beeline for the stairs. (and thank goodness for cabinet locks)
the Samuel man
Samuel, let me introduce you to a jelly sandwich
box below? full of books to be sold
love you Lowe's mistints
10) See Elijah's cake? Cute? It was just a $9.99 Target round that I added 3 Matchbox cars to. He loved it. Called it his "best vroomy cake" -- made me melt. :) Vroomy = cars.
which car do I take off first?
Link up my blogging friends!! Join in the randomness.