An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up. Proverbs 12:5The anxious heart? Mine.
The kind words? From you guys.
Why? Read below
1) Today's temperature is supposed to be about 94. Not bad, right? With high humidity. With heat warnings -- where it will feel like it is in the mid 100s.
2) Just a reminder -- yes, I do live in Minnesota. And no, we are not always cold. See above.
3) Last night, about eleven pm, I thought to myself, "Is it warm in here?" I went down, checked the thermostat and it read (brightly -- due to the new batteries we put in earlier in the day) 84 degrees. Hmmmmm...I flicked the switch, felt the vents (blowing hot air), and went outside. Dead. My outside unit was dead.
4) Changing batteries in the thermostat does not fix the problem.
5) Attempting to find a working flashlight in a house of four boys at 11:30 at night (it was that time by then) is never easy.
6) Our interior of our home is creeping up to 90 right now. And it is only 7:58 in the morning. The interior of my mood is creeping to 90. And at 100 is the limit. I am going to have to think of some super plan -- involving iced coffee -- to make it through the day.
7) I am hot.
8) When I say, "I am hot" I mean that my body is not cool temperature wise. Just thought I'd clarify that point.
9) Even though I tried to be humorous in this list, there are many pressing needs on my family right now and it is testing my perseverance. Really. It's easy to get overwhelmed right now -- especially when I'm warm -- but there seems to be more that needs to go out then I have in. I'd love prayers for God's providence.
10) And last, but not least, I am laughing at the irony of the label on my air conditioner. See picture. There is no achieving going on now. I'm thinking that this is more of an epic fail.
Thanks for reading my whiney Miscellany Monday. I tried to make my whiney at least a little bit enjoyable. And doesn't whining/finding joy together seem like an oxymoron? I hope I redeemed the whine. At least it wasn't this:
Bloooooooooooooooooooooooogers......I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed your loooooooooooove. (in a grating whiney type)
Remember to link on up! Carissa's Miscellany Monday post today is awesome. Had me grinning.