the real important

Todd's dad with Brennan Summer 2007

Man's days are determined;
       you have decreed the number of his months
       and have set limits he cannot exceed.   (Job 14:5)

After writing the Gratitude Challenge and reading my daughter Hannah's post on puts it into perspective.... I've been convicted of the gift and wise use of time.  It's all to easy to live life thinking and putting off the needs for the day.  And I'm not talking laundry.  Or dishes.  Or a spotless house. I'm talking of -

reading that story to your two year old
hugging your nine year old
telling your fourteen year old that she's beautiful
sitting next to your husband and really listening
calling your parents and telling them you love them
being grateful even though everything isn't perfect
praising for the small things
racing across the back yard with your six year old
teaching your twelve your old how to make dumplings
laughing with your four year old
simply rocking your baby
sitting at the feet of the Father

That's my list of the real important.  It's amazing how quickly I look to the unimportant and make it so vitally important.  Keeping a posture of gratitude for time  shifts my thinking.

What's on your list of important that gets pushed aside?

My Sunday challenge for you?  Read the verse in Job -- take it to heart -- and do the important first.

The real important.