Written at 11:34 pm.
Oh, Miscellany Monday, here you are again....
sweet blogging day
a day of what - evers
Who knows what it will bring.
Oh Miscellany Monday, you are the best
fun, laughter, joy
mixed with memory
Beautiful thoughts.
Beautiful thoughts.
Oh, Miscellany Monday, how I love you.
1) I was never good at poetry class. I tried.
2) My major in college was Architecture. I can draw. I am creative. I have a pile of plans I've drawn for our home showing how I would add on -- if I could. So I guess along with being creative I can dream. ;)
3) While studying architecture I studied Italian. My dream was to live in Italy for several years. I passed my proficiency exam. I have not lived in Italy. I can, however, order my food at an Italian restaurant perfectly. Sometimes I even teach the waiters the correct pronunciation.
4) I also studied Interior Design. Therefore, when I watch shows -- like HGTV's Design Star -- and see terrible design I cringe and cover my face with a pillow. I think my girls enjoy watching me cover my face and wait for that moment to happen. They'll exclaim, "Mom's grabbing the pillow!!" Tonight's show? Exceptionally and painfully bad.
5) I play classical piano. I've been playing since I was four.
that's me playing -- Samuel was 2 weeks old.
6) Once, when I was in sixth grade, I played Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata for a piano recital from memory. However, while up front, in a room full of over one hundred parents and relatives, I forgot where I was in the piece. So I began to improvise. I kept playing, and playing, and playing until I remembered where I was. Then I wrapped up Moonlight Sonata and took my required bow. Rushing back to my seat, I sat down and smiled. My grandmother, who was also classically trained, winked at me and said, "that was the longest version of Moonlight Sonata I've ever heard ,dear." Then she patted my hand, and gave me a hug.
7) I miss that grandmother. She died one week before my daughter Chloe was born.
8) Chloe's middle name is the same as my grandmothers. Her name? Laurella. A combination of Laura and Ella. Chloe looks like my grandmother when she was young. My grandma was beautiful.
my Chloe Laurella
10) Speaking of Samuel -- he's cutting all four top teeth at once. As I wrote on facebook, I think he's trying to over achieve. And speaking again of Samuel -- remember to enter my give-away for your own Teething Bling Necklace. You will seriously love that necklace. My goal for entries? At least 100. I'm close to 70 -- so if you haven't entered, do so -- that way I can make my goal. (I like goals -- so click the enter my give-away link. After you leave a nice comment here!)
Samuel with my Teething Bling
Impressed with this week's concise Miscellany Monday? As am I. Must have something to do with it being 11:56 pm. And Samuel waking up at 1:30 am.
Remember, remember, remember (because I don't say forget - read Target Statements) to link up with Carissa's Miscellany Monday. Link up. She's awesome. :) I've also linked up with the mingle monday thread --check that out as well.
Blessings on your Monday!!