One week ago, while on vacation, I did not do my miscellany Monday. I was playing games, eating too much food, and laughing with my family.
that's my daughter Grace laughing -- that's how I felt.
Now, today, I will do a Miscellany Monday post inspired by my recent vacation to the lake. Because, lets face it -- what vacation doesn't provide numerous random moments? In fact -- all of July could be full of my random and quirky moments from the lake.
1) I am joyfully listening to the hum of my dishwasher. Did I repeat? Joyfully. Our rustic cabins do not have a dishwasher. Well, they do -- myself. My kids. My husband. And again, myself.
2) When sleeping in a cabin where the curtains are made from sheer cotton is it critical to bring a heavy blanket to drape over the windows. Tacky? Perhaps. But, if it allows the children to sleep past 5 am -- due to the early rising sun -- then let my windows be adorned with Thomas the Tank Engine blankets, and Cars, and whatever it takes to give the illusion of darkness.
that's our cabin
3) Samuel is even more spoiled. Our cabin is tiny. Very tiny. With paper thin walls. I did whatever it took to keep Samuel asleep so that he would not wake up his siblings. So now, my almost 10 month old baby is very much like a heavy, wiggly newborn. Wants to be held. Nurse on demand. And sleep right next to me. I am very tired.
Spoiled, yet oh so cute, Samuel
my poor leg
non-itching stopping products
7) Texting, hoewever, worked. Our texts? Bring me a NUK when you come to the beach or other profound ones such as dinner is ready or Samuel is awake or where's the sunscreen raced between our phones. I have no idea what we did before we had our phones. Can you imagine? I'd have to walk back to the cabin to tell them dinner was ready. Or get a nuk. Gotta love technology.
8) Speaking of walking, I probably walked at least 100 times between our two cabins. I wish that would have negated all the Nut Goodie Bars that I ate. Oh well. It was vacation. And please, no one tell me the caloric intake in one of those bars. It needs to remain a secret.
my well-used recipe
10) I missed blogging. While I was gone I received numerous emails, sweet comments and awards. Thank you. I appreciate each one -- and I plan on responding this week. Once I get that laundry done. (14 loads -- empathy comments for that as well)
So there you go. Round one of the vacation miscellany. Next week I could talk about fishing, or that I put a leech on a hook (really), or the food, or driving with a trailer full of bikes and a canoe on top of the truck, or, or, or -- we'll have to see what the week brings!
Remember to link up to Carissa's blog. Gotta to love her. Mom of two -- newborn in there -- and the author of an amazing blog and founder of the Miscellany Monday craze! :)