one week

One week ago I was sitting in a room holding Samuel waiting to be transferred to Children's Hospital.

One week and one day ago I woke up thinking it was just another day.  I went about my day, did life, unaware to the fragility of life.

I forgot.

I got so wrapped up in the things that I deemed ultra-important -- laundry, cleaning, yardwork, even my writing -- and lost sight of what's ultimately important -- my family.  I began to take for granted that they will always be here.  I soothed my busy self with thoughts of "there's always tomorrow" as I scurried around keeping up with my trumping needs.

One week ago the pressing needs of my life shifted to one of life.

The laundry waited.  The cleaning stood still. The grass grew. And, honestly, I didn't care.

So, now, today, as I sit and write -- while holding wiggly Samuel -- I am trying to save a bit of that perspective on life so that I don't slip back into my busy self.  As I was praying last night I realized that if I constantly tell my kids "in a minute" the day will come when their minutes here with me will have expired.  Or they won't want to share their minutes. Time is limited.  Concrete.  We're all blessed with a finite number of minutes to use.

It's balance.

It's living in a healthy tension between accomplishing what needs to be done and being aware and intentionally setting aside time for your loved ones.

One week ago I was brought to my knees in gratitude.

I want to remember.


The picture below is of Samuel's throat taken with the scope.  I've debated showing it for the last week.  After some thought I've decided to share the picture so that you can view the smallness of baby's throat. When they say "cut grapes" for toddlers they truly mean cut those grapes.  It's worth every minute crawling around looking for teeny objects.

The second reason I'm showing it is so that you can rejoice with me over Samuel's life.  Your prayers made a difference -- one that I am forever grateful for. We serve an Awesome God.  He is MIGHTY TO SAVE!

that's the star -- lodged --