Mech chameleon by tommaso-sanguigni

The Beast Awakens by GstylezProdigy

RoboSpider V2 Test2 by AnubisGraph

Robot in disguise by spybg

Robot - Octopus (a real fashion model with 3D FX) by Dominique Fraser

Robot by snipergen

Character (Kanti FINAL RENDERING ) by Frequenter

Robot ChipReader by Bergie81

characters: robots presentation

Obsolete, Pawel Hynek (3D)



Guardor 3d robot


Running Death, Jean-sébastien Rolhion (3D)

Jake - Interface robot tripod


Big FM

R.A.T., Benjamin Parry (3D)

Spider Robot, Adrien Lambert (3D)

Killer Matrix, Faraz Sayyadi

Joybot, Lee Davies (3D)

Bumblebee, Dustin Bint (3D)

Mantibot-My entry for a robot design competition, Linghan Bai