There seems to be some kind of sickness going around -- it lasts about 36 hours and consists of a fever. Nothing else, that I know of, at least yet. I know nothing because the two that have started this trend are little -- Elijah and Samuel -- and they are not great at telling me what's wrong.
Until today, when Mr. Caleb, my five year old, woke up with a fever. He told me that his head hurts.
That's my Caleb enjoying an apple on Friday
So here are my miscellanies for this monday.
1) There is such a shift in parenting when you move to pick a child up in the middle of the night when you touch them and they're feverish. Any frustration with being woken up is immediately replaced, and any tiredness erased.
2) Samuel has croup. Again. Every time he gets a little cold it immediately effects his breathing. This is due to the star that was stuck back in June (for those of you who are newer to finding joy you can read about that journey here -- starstuck ). I hate seeing him struggle. I've learned the importance of keeping him calm, without crying, when he's sick -- too much crying swells that throat.
And Samuel on Friday
3) I don't like them sick. I hate it. In fact, I'm using the word hate even though it's not allowed in our house, to describe seeing those little ones not feeling well.
4) I do love the increase in cuddles. Samuel is sleeping on me while I type. With one hand. Please excuse any typos....
5) I am so thankful that this sickness involves NO vomit. Let me repeat that. I am so thankful that this sickness involves NO vomit. Vomit in a family of nine is not allowed. At least that's my rule.
6) We own probably 9 thermometers. Right now, I couldn't tell you the location of one. Probably in the couch, or the junk drawer, or the ledge in the family room, or my purse. Not in the first-aide drawer in the bathroom -- where they're supposed to be.
7) I am drinking coffee right now. The level of tired that I have is through the charts. I think I might just get a Caribou.
that's my coffee cup
8) Samuel walks.
9) Did you read number 9 carefully? It had nothing to do with sickness -- for which you are probably incredibly grateful since who really wants to read about a mom whining about illness? -- it has to do with my little baby walking. Make that toddler. Go, Samuel, go!
10) I'm going to end before 10. Which is hard for me, since I like order and routine. But, I've got little Caleb coming upstairs, after attempting to watch a television show (in the morning which is never allowed), and telling me he doesn't feel good. And this tells me he really doesn't feel well -- no free tv in the morning because it's too loud? It's time to do some mothering for both Caleb and Samuel. Thank goodness Elijah feels better today...... aw, never mind, I just made this number 10. :)
....and from my daughter Hannah's post on her blog aspire, I know she's feeling fine as well.
That leaves two. Wake up Chloe and Gracie -- your momma wants to see you!
And I would love your prayers for health today.
Carissa, bless you for making this miscellany. Bless you!