
Do it well.

That's my motto right now.  Whatever I do, no matter what, I want to do it well.

With all of my heart.

Be it diaper changes.  Correcting algebra. Teaching phonics. Cooking dinner.  Wiping spilled milk. Mowing the lawn. Listening. Cleaning the kitchen. Folding towels. Playing a game. Sweeping the floor. Driving to ballet. Talking with friends. Reading a story. Handling conflict. Raking Leaves. Ordering coffee. Vacuuming. Picking up toys.

There is contentment found in enjoying the moment.  It's a peace that so easily slips away.  I want to be aware  of this time, of the posture of my heart.  Am I racing to finish? Or am I recognizing the blessing in the task? The time?

Like now.  I'm blessed to hear Hannah reading to Elijah -- his sweet body nestled against big sister as she lovingly reads.  I'm loving my coffee.  The warmth of the mug that my hand surrounds.  There's joy in watching little Samuel take those quick steps between chairs -- and the happiness he shows. I hear my older boys creating an elaborate story upstairs.  And there's beauty as the warm October morning sun shines through my window.

I'm grateful.

By the way thank you for all of the encouraging emails and comments yesterday.  You blessed me.

And, just in case you've had some itching for a picture of Samuel -- worry no more -- here's one of my new faves. And, no, I haven't cut that baby hair -- yet. :)