Moments captured in pictures.
-- Like this one --
My Samuel and me
I don't know what it is, that Hannah caught. I love the look of surprise on Samuel's face coupled with the remnants of cinnamon bread. My favorite part? That Samuel grasps my hand even while I hold him. There's beauty and happiness wrapped in the simplicity of holding hands.
Can't tell that I love him, can you?
(or that I have many, many, many freckles.....)
I know I've written about being thankful a great deal lately. The posture of my heart yearns to be filled with gratitude -- not overwhelm, or anxiety, or want. Somehow when I look at this moment captured in time I'm reminded, once again, of the blessings in my lap. It's all too easy to lose the beauty in motherhood and children, and sometimes it takes a simple, yet beautiful, black and white picture to bring back the clarity.
(If you'd love to link up to Lovely Photo Wednesday, head on over to Hannah's blog -Aspire- and join in.)
I'm grateful. So grateful.