hot to cold

It has been a week of extremes.
(make sure to scroll down so you see all the pics)

1) On Monday and Tuesday we had temps in the 70's.  In Minnesota.  In November.

2) On Saturday we received over 12 inches of heavy, wet, white snow.  It was 32 degrees.

3) My kids were so excited about the snow.  Elijah grabbed his rain boots, a fall sweatshirt, and a crazy hat and attempted to get outside.  Then the rest of the kids dug through the three, yes three, 18 gallon totes of winter gear.  My living room was destroyed.

4) Then it was quiet.  For 20 minutes.  Then the first couple decided they had enough and that they needed hot cocoa.  My kitchen became a mess.  However, my children had a great day, and the driveway was shoveled (partially), a snowman was built, several snow forts, and countless wet clothes littered the laundry.  Worth it.  Despite the mess. :)

5) In case you don't want to do math on Monday the temperature difference was over 40 degrees.  I guess I might need to put away my sandals.  Except that when I need to get the mail they're easy to slip on.....despite the cold snow that will now reach my toes.  Oh well.  Here in Minnesota it's not uncommon to see someone wearing shorts, a sweatshirt, gloves, and sandals in early March or mid November. Okay, okay, that was me. :)

6) Samuel is still sick.  He's better than Friday, but just does not look right.  He's sleepy, doesn't eat as well, and now has little blisters.  I think it's caused from the strep.  Sigh.  I wish I had put my foot down on Friday and asked them to do a cbc on him.  It would have been reassuring to see the how the wbcount was reacting.

7) Pictures?  I'm struggling to find some. I might just pull some random pictures for you to enjoy today.  Not related to anything above.  Therefore this really equals a true miscellany. :)

random shot #1

that would be Hannah and Grace 
 playing around with Hannah's webcam

random shot #2

Elijah man 
just looking super cute this summer

random shot #3

and Caleb
my son
as a chicken


Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters